Castle wants every assignment we undertake to strengthen our reputation. We continually check materials. We vet and re-vet production techniques. And we will not cut corners – unless they precisely follow design specs. Castle makes sure that you get every cent out of your budget.
Order size? Castle can produce even a relatively small custom order at a cost often approaching bulk rates. On larger projects, our process and scale efficiencies allow us to offer extremely competitive pricing. From there, proven formats and scheduling bring you a clear, accurate timeline of deliverables. And if your situation changes, Castle will do everything possible to accommodate it.
The care we put into each Castle order doesn’t stop after production. From insurance and shipping through final destination trucking and even warehousing, Castle logistics work as precisely as our design and construction. Which accounts for Castle’s unblemished shipment history to more than a dozen countries from Austria and India to Korea and Saudi Arabia.
Castle commitment has led to the design of our own multi-access crating system, as well as packing protocols that use containers up to 15% more efficiently. You can’t see or touch logistics. But from export relations to carrier selection, you’ll feel the peace of mind that Castle expertise builds into our process.