The Forever 21 Grand Opening of its Lalaport, Tokyo store created a range of
production and logistical challenges:
– Five distinct types of pre-built and pre-finished wall cabinets
– A variety of 100% gloss, painted display tables, fabricated and finished along with
graphic-wrapped shelving
– Three types of electrical display fixtures, featuring translucent, man-made marbles with
chrome-plated metal, acrylics and T8 lighting
– A five-station, point-of-sale Cashwrap with particular intricacies:
– Component design for each station, allowing lower tables and station wraps to
break down independently for ease of shipping and load-in
– Gold paint finish, clear-coated with 100% gloss polyurethane
– 1-2 mm tolerances throughout
– Clear, detailed assembly instructions for all large items
Castle answered these challenges so well that the General Contractor praised the
installation for swift, seamless progress from load-in through assembly and integration